Thursday, April 8, 2010

Processing Haiti

We.are.home. Last night, we asked ourselves what stood out to us during this experience.
Chris: I am amazed at how primitive Haiti still is. No changes after 30+ years EXCEPT more people. I am also amazed and saddened by the destruction of the earthquake.

Greg: I am moved by the children and baby situation in Haiti. Just too many stories of "Restevecs" (orphaned children who are taken in, and raised as slaves to that family) and babies who need formula but can't get it because of the expense.

We are posting some random pictures we would've liked to have posted down there, but didn't due to Internet issues. We'll enter another post with pictures of Port-au-Prince and our last day in Haiti.

Greg, T'moshe', Yoti, Wilson - Greg gave Yoti a tile cutter. 
Maybe he can get some work.

The rural clinic
Pharmacie' storage area

Patients waiting for the clinic to open - we spoke and sang to them.

Chris at the orphanage, lovin' on whiney Josee'
(happy only if she was held)

Kitchen action

Our walk from the hospital back to our house

Greg next to a handmade door. He liked the hand made joints.
(He didn't make it!)

Tent city outside Port-au-Prince - one of many....

Looking toward the hospital from our house

Courtyard of the hospital

Greg outside the church after Sunday morning worship

Our apt. living room

Our dining room (we didn't eat here)
We had a wonderful place to stay.

A Tap-tap (taxi) with a load. Check out the wheelbarrow.

When you go out out on the road in Haiti, you need to pray for God's protection.
The bigger you are on the road, the more power you have. 
If you're a pedestrian, you have the least power.

A family heading home after church.

Public transportation in PAP.

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