Friday, April 2, 2010

Missionary Moment

From Greg:

It's not a tarantula, but it's a very cool spider. No, there are no lions, tigers, zebras or giraffes in Haiti.

However, there ARE huts, goats, pigs, and very big spiders!

We decided not to go to the tent city today, which turned out to not be a tent city, so we're glad we didn't go! The missionaries, Dan and DeeDee Snyder, have returned from Port-au-Prince and told us their earthquake story tonight. We may talk about it later, but do not feel free to post it.

Because the top picture is blurry, we wanted to show you a clear picture as well....isn't he something?  I really measured him with a tape measure and he was close to 3.75 inches. Obviously, Chris was not the photographer.


  1. Yes, Greg, "very cool, spider" indeed :) and just taking out a ruler now and imagining it on my desktop, I think I'd let it have full run of the living room till Lee got home!!!
    Thanks for sharing your tropic moment so vividly.

    Big hug,

  2. Did a little internetting on it. Not a wolf spider, tarantulla or camel spider. Does it bite?

  3. Hope you don't have first hand experience about those bites! I fell privileged to get to read your blog. What a gift you are sharing with the Haitians! Have been enjoying Carrie, Ellie and Josh for the Easter weekend. We're all too full now to have dessert(Bumpy cake). What types of foods are available there now? Look forward to seeing you at graduation! Love you guys, Penny
