Thursday, April 1, 2010

Maundy Thursday

From Chris: Greg did much the same today as yesterday and I was free so I was invited to travel with the counselor team of three women to Karfouje. (not sure if that's the spelling), a village about 8 miles away, but it took 30 minutes to get there due to extremely bumpy roads. Pastor Noel drove us in his pickup. We went to the Methodiste Libre church in the village where we met with the League of Leaders group for that area. The League of Leaders is a group of pastors and lay leaders from many different denominations - FM, Christian Church, Africa Methodist, Church of Christ, etc. (no Wesleyan's - they are located on the island, La  Gonave, and up north in Cap Haitian, I was told). These pastors meet together to pray and share resources. What an amazing blessing it was to hear their stories, their prayer requests and to pray for them. These pastors shared stories of the earthquake, stories of persecution against them, and needing resources just to build a new church.

A lady showed up because she cleans the church we were sitting in and she was embarrassed that there were no windows to keep the dust out. She is praying for windows for her church.  A young lady was invited to visit - "Estimate" is what I'll write, but I could not get her name for the life of me. She was on crutches and had only one leg. She got caught in the crossfire of a violent fight right in front of that church and her leg was cut off with a machete. The pastors and neighbors have rallied around her. Some Americans bought her a sewing machine so she can earn some money. We went to her home and crowded around her new machine. (see 2nd picture) She hadn't even opened it yet. One of the gals on the team saw that she wouldn't be able to use it until something was fixed on it. We think someone said they could do it. All she needed was some thread and fabric. I'm going to see what I can do about that. I wonder if there's any around? It was quite moving.

I now have some voodoo information for you - especially those of you who've asked! My friend Denine asked us on our blog what a Rah-rah Band was so I emailed this to her:
A Rah-rah band is a frenzied, alcoholic and drug-driven voodoo group of people who dance with drums around town. It starts at the beginning of Lent and goes thru until Easter. They have a pretty wild MardiGras/Carnival here in Haiti, altho' this year, due to the earthquake they didn't. The missionaries thought the Rah-rah stuff wasn't going to happen, but it's picked up in the last week or so. It's kind of scary to get in the middle of one of these groups because of the drinking and anger. Red is a predominant color for some reason. The music is not really music. It's truly "feels" satanic. I guess we'll have to share a little bit more about it, either on the blog or when we get home. The devil has his hold on Haiti and the born again believers are definitely a bright light shining like a city on a hill.

So, Denine and other blog followers, I heard some more stories today. Why are we drawn to these stories? I think the darkness is so dark and when we hear these things, perhaps the Lord will call us to pray for this nation. SO, the history books tell the foundation of voodoo in Haiti. Over two hundred years ago it is widely said that a curse was put on the nation of Haiti in a devil worship ceremony (and there's much more to that than I am relaying) which led to the revolution in 1804, led by Dessalines, who also did a curse.  There is a tree called the Mapou tree. Evidently, these trees are considered voodoo trees. They're very old and knarly and they're used in ceremonies. There is a Mapou tree north of here and in 2004, the 200th anniversary of the curse, some pastors felt impressed to go to that tree and pray God's deliverance on it and from the curse. They prayed and heard spirits screaming as they left the tree. When the voodoo priests went to do their thing at the tree, it no longer worked (whatever "it" was) and they complained to the officials. Political people are voodoo followers or at least partial to it so they arrested the pastors. The pastors were told to put the spirits back in the tree. God gave them wisdom and they told the officials that because they were their authorities and scripture says to obey our authorities, they would do as they said. However, they had one problem, they told them. "Our scriptures only give direction on how to remove spirits; not how to put them back in." And so, they were released. That tree fell over and died. It was cut up and sold as lumber - a LOT of lumber. Anyway, there is a cave here in Dessalines, where, up until recent years, a human sacrifice was made every year on Maundy Thursday of Lent. People have been praying since then that this would not happen anymore and as far as the Christian pastors know, it hasn't taken place. They are praying about that for today as well. We are told that we will hear the Rah-Rah music tonight and sounds of animals being killed for sacrifices. Actually, we've been hearing that awful sound off and on since we've been here. I would like to mention that the stories I heard were told to me by a Haitian pastor and a mentor to the pastors. Whether or not it is true, it is widely told and believed. 
Mapou Tree - the Voodoo Tree - on the left
The village we went to today is a stronghold of voodoo. Houses are marked. If you are a voodoo believer, the tree or post in front of your house will have a red and white horizontal stripe. If you're not, it will be blue and white. What can I say? No wonder Haiti has had such problems. At the beginning of Lent, President Preval of Haiti, called for 3 days of prayer and fasting. He has a tender heart right now. Some voodoo priests claimed to have found Christ. People are just waiting to see if it's true. They are watching for the fruit.
We have been invited to go to Gonaives tomorrow afternoon to a tent city. This tent city has been moved further out of Port-au-Prince due to the mudslides and rains. We need to get prepared emotionally for this. We have been asked to go and pray with the people and hear their stories. How does one do that?

The last picture shows a red and white striped fence, letting us know this household consists of voodoo believers.


  1. It's Good Friday. As we commemorate this day we will pray for you...that Jesus will be the prince of peace and lamb of salvation for those you meet today.
    Thanks for posting.

  2. We will be praying for you today as you head in to tent city...I can't even imagine.
    This post made my heart feel SO HEAVY...may the Holy Spirit keep His hedge of protection around you!
    Love you so much,

  3. As I was reading your post, and marveling at your stepping out into such a stronghold of evil, I kept hearing the echo of Cora's sister exclaiming in "Last of the Mohicans" - "What an adventure!" as they started off for the treacherous trip to Fort McHenry.
    Ah, but greater is He that is in you, than any enemy hovering over Haiti. May His strength give you boldness, wisdom, protection, and be your joy and peace, and empower you to do great exploits! We will definitely be praying today.

  4. Amen, to "greater is HE that is in you"!! We have also heard of the great wickedness and deliverance of demons and their powers in the third world countries and south america. The Fisherman's Net church supports an evangelist/mission, who has told the church many times of God's great power revealed in those countries! I think we like to hear because of the obvious ways that God's great power can be shown in that kind of darkness. God's blessings and protection, friends!!
