Monday, April 5, 2010

Our last full day in Dessalines

Thank you to all who have followed this blog. You have no idea what it means for us to have you read our stories. For one thing, we won't feel like we have to talk so much about this experience even though we'll want to and maybe need to. It's been written and you have read it. It was your choice to do so. You didn't have to! That is such a gift to us. It also shows us that there are those who care about what Christ is doing in Haiti. By reading this, you have made the declaration that you have been here with us!  

Greg worked on making new screens for the intern's house today. Chris went to the hospital to do an assessment of dental equipment. Pretty minimal. (see the photo of the dental chair!) We are emailing the pictures to supporters of the hospital. No doubt, there is a Canadian or American dentist somewhere that has upgraded their dental equipment and office and would just love to donate the old stuff to Haiti. Last week, before the dr. team left, the surgeon, Mark, with Dr. Ron assisting, drained an abdominal abcess from a woman who had given birth a few weeks earlier. She was very sick and she was the lady who we mentioned earlier in the blog whose family had come to wait for her to die. She is still alive, but still very sick. Chris prayed with her today and feels compelled to assist in giving the family (without them knowing) money toward her hospital stay. It is beyond their means and they also have no food. Our interpreter friend, Hyrance, gave the husband some food yesterday. Now we have to figure out how much it is. She's been there for 19 days. The husband wants to go to the voodoo witchdoctor. Maybe we'll have to put conditions on the gift! OK, bummer, we just found out her hospital stay could be $700 American money. How do they even do that? That seems cheap for 19 days in the hospital, but when her family's income is probably at $3.00 a day, that's an impossible amount of money. The missionaries here work with them as much as they can.

We just made the decision this evening to leave Dess at noon and then leave PAP the following morning. We'll get a little tour of Port before we leave. We've wanted to and not wanted to see FOHO and other earthquake destruction. 

Again thank you for reading our stories! We'll continue to update with more pictures once we're stateside and have no bandwidth issues! Maybe we can even post a video or two!

We were blessed to fellowship with the second team from Texas, consisting of three women (2 nurses and a counselor) who came to share their love and compassion with the Haitian people in Dessalines. Robbie, Vivian and Betty were a joy to be with. They inspired us with their desire to serve the people and the pastors in any way they could. Even if their plans changed, they were up for whatever direction the Lord led. Our new friends left on Easter Sunday morning before we went to church. 

Vivian, Betty, and Robbie, with Tilohm, our gatekeeper.


  1. Wow-must be bittersweet leaving. Love you tons & can't wait to talk to you! Love you!

  2. Chris & Greg - thanks for creating/keeping this blog! It was such a great way to keep in touch with, and pray 'intelligently' for, you on your Haiti Adventure.
