Thursday, March 11, 2010

How did this come to be?


We have said “yes” to a tug the Lord put on our hearts. We are alums of an organization called VISA, Volunteers In Service Abroad, a lay volunteer arm of the Free Methodist Church. Thirty years ago we served in Haiti together for a two month long construction project for one of their schools in Port-au-Prince. (the above photo is of the school 30 years later. The courtyard of the school is being used for relief.) We always wondered if we would ever go back. Right after the January 12th earthquake in Haiti we looked at the VISA website and there was the opportunity to sign up as being willing to volunteer. Well, we have been asked by VISA if we would be willing to return to learn how to be on the ground coordinators for the teams from the States and Canada that come down to help in relief effort. Our statement has been “how can we say “no?””

This is the plan - we will be going Mar. 23 - Apr. 7 for training to be coordinators for groups coming into Haiti. We will be based out of the Claire Heureuse Hospital (Dessalines Hospital) and located in Marchand Dessalines which is 100 miles north of Port-au-Prince. This hospital is run by the Free Methodists with help from multi-denominational groups over the years. They have asked if after we are trained would we go back one month each year. Our desire for this year is to go back in July.

This is certainly a step of faith for us and really comes from a desire talked about by us, as a couple, years ago. We just never dreamed it would actually happen. Of course, the earthquake has stepped up the need for the smaller ministries to organize the many groups that want to come in to meet some of the vast needs of the Haitian people. We are taking this first step of faith and are open to the Lord leading however He would see fit.

There are always financial concerns when going out like this. The Lord has already made it possible for us to fund this two week trip. We are trusting Him for the month long stint as well. If He wants us to go, He will make it happen. We covet your lifting us up in prayer.


  1. Greg & Chris - I imagine things are getting crazy right now, but relax God will see you through. Prayers for a safe trip and I will be praying and thinking about you and your mission:o) D

  2. Praying for you as you travel.

