Wednesday, March 24, 2010

We have arrived!

WE.ARE.HERE. And it's true what we've been reading - the airport is utter CHAOS! Because of the damage to the terminal from the quake they have a temporary setup for immigration and customs. Of course, utter craziness - mobs of people, no baggage claim, no AC, no English (Creole and French), lots of people like us in the midst of the chaos (relief workers, white folks), guys in gray uniforms who wanted to carry our luggage and wouldn't let go, kids begging for anything and the most unbelievable gridlock outside the airport with sirens, horns, UN tanks, firetrucks, cars, trucks, tap-taps (Haitian taxis)… I hope we've painted a bit of a picture for you and maybe you can get the gist with our pictures. There was even a UN worker on a UN bus taking a picture of me taking a picture! I must've looked like a white nut, sitting in the back of the pick-up trying to experience the chaos.

Greg and I waited in the mission truck for two hours while Jacqlin, our driver, waited at the gate for our co-worker, Fred, coming in from Canada. We've been asked to move our truck now several times and there is NO WAY we're moving from this spot!

On to Dessalines, whenever we see Jacqnil and Fred - AND after we get out of the gridlock. Jacqnil and his wife have a new 3 month old baby boy named Josh. Guess who can't wait to get her hands on him? 

It's now 9pm and we are in our apartment at the mission complex. It's very nice. Our own space. They have told us we can only upload one or two pictures due to bandwidth costs. We're trying to soak it all in so we can be ready to go tomorrow. There's an awesome group of drs., PT, nurse, counselor here from SW Michigan. Three grief counselors come in two days.

The pictures we've chosen to upload reflect a bit of our 3 hour drive here which left us speechless with the culture of Haiti and the overwhelming of especially, the tent cities. (never mind the pictures for today. we'll try again tomorrow. maybe shrink them.) 

As we head to bed we are listening to a Ra-Ra Band - 100 or more people, drums, shakers, horns - they'll do this nightly until Easter. 


  1. I love this blog! I am picturing it all: the heat, the noise, the people, the blancs as you navigate through that airport which is chaos at the best of times. I'm so glad to know you made it safely to Dessalines and that you are enjoying a Ra-Ra Band and thinking of me! :) I am thinking of YOU and praying for you daily! Love, M.

  2. Thanks for painting the beginnings of a picture for all of us back home. We are soo glad you made it there safely and will continue to keep you in our prayers!

    Love and Hugs!

  3. Oh my. What an introduction! We are so anxious to hear more . . . In the meantime, we'll keep praying!

  4. So glad you made it safely. We are all praying for you! How do we view the pictures?

  5. And there you have it! You are there marm & da! Love you guys so much! Thanks for sharing the details and giving us something to visualize. You two are terrific and I am blessed to call you my parents. Like I said I would, I woke up with you guyzerz on my heart and mind and prayed/praying for you!
    Love you so much!
    Boops (for John too!)
