Thursday, March 18, 2010

The piles of stuff

We need to practice working on this blog so here's another entry. This is our "stuff." We're taking food items down because we've heard that we'll be making sure groups have breakfast and an evening lunch. There is food there, but anything we can take is helpful. They have also asked us to bring some office supplies so we have those items. Other than that, it's clothes for the hot weather. Chris has to wear skirts as there is still an expectation for a conservative appearance. They say this is slowly changing.

It will be interesting to see how it goes with downloading pictures where we're at. When we were in Antigua two years ago, that was a continual frustration. It just took so long. We hope we will be able to do more than just writing it all out, but it will be better than nothing if pictures are slow. We hope to be able to Skype with our kids and Chris' least audio.

We are wrapping things up here at home. SE Tools has an Open House tonight. We get to see Josh and Ellie on Saturday. They are keeping the pooch for us. (thanks, you guys!) Carrie's in Puerto Rico. John might join us on Saturday. Our church is going to pray for us on Sunday. We wrap things up at work on Monday. We leave on Tuesday. We get to Haiti on Wednesday.

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